Dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of vintage American bicycles

Welcome to!

This site/blog is intended to provide a comprehensive collection of all things that relate to the hobby of vintage American bicycles. Whether you are a collector, restoring a bike, or researching a new treasure then this site is for you! 

This site is designed to help the novice as well as the seasoned collector. If you are new and are trying to figure out what a “drop out” is then check the glossary. Not only does my glossary provide a definition but many of the terms include pictures as well. The gallery section contains pictures of bicycles as well as past events. You can click on the pictures and they will enlarge (if on a tablet or PC). Website “Search“–click on “Blog” from the menu and you will see the search feature.

This site also has serial number lists, company histories, how to date a hub, in depth articles, and a list of books with a short description of the contents. Lastly I will try to write a worthy blog at least once a month. If you have an idea to make the site better just drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do. Enjoy the ride! 

Upcoming Events!

Things seem to slow down a little during the summer months as folks take vacations and enjoy other activities. The next large show will be Copake in upstate New York this fall. There are still a few local and regional shows scattered across the U.S. this summer to fill the void though. While the internet can aid your bicycle collecting endeavors there is no substitute for in-person attendance at bicycle events. This is where you develop friendships and experience the true camaraderie of the bicycle collecting community. Hope to see you all there!  For the rides listed below please check their website or Facebook pages for the latest.  To view past events go here  Please take care, be safe, and enjoy the ride!

Springfield, MO 2024
Marin, CA 2024

Monthly Rides

Cyclone Coaster-Long Beach, CA, first Sunday of the month. Meet at the Portfolio Coffee house 9:30 am kickstands up at 10:30

Gateway Coasters-St. Louis, MO, day, location, and time varies.