So this blog is my stab at providing a site that informs, educates, and provides a resource for those that enjoy vintage American bicycles. Whether you are a serious collector, looking for information, restoring, or just enjoy riding a vintage American bicycle then I hope I provide something you find useful.

I have a day job and I am not a professional blogger or web developer so have a little patience as I find my way through this and populate the site with resources. I plan on developing a comprehensive gallery, providing a page for serial number charts, informing of upcoming events, rides, and shows, and other news that may be of interest.
While my personal focus is balloon tire bicycles, and especially deluxe prewar bikes, I hope to be able to encompass the entire community of those that enjoy vintage American iron. If you are interested in doing a guest blog, want to contribute bike pictures, or just have a question please hit the “Contact” button to get in touch with me. Thanks for visiting and enjoy the ride!–Shawn
Jim Lay
Mike Aughenbaugh